Title: Spider and the Fly
Characters/Pairings: Mycroft/Sherlock pre-slash, hints of John.
Word Count: 853
Warnings: Incest implied, Machievellian!Mycroft
Disclaimer Not mine, not profiting, just writing.
A/N: First non-gift-exchange fic for the fandom, and it's a Mycroft / Sherlock. 8D
Even back when there was no BBC!2010verse I have always had more than
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Mmm, jealous or conniving - the jury's still out on this one XD
(Also, you like Divine Comedy? \o\
I need to respond to your journals more frequently, I do apologise
*makes it part of NY resolutions to respond moore*)
The music of The Divine Comedy or the book? Because I'm all over the music like the explosive spore of a mushroom.
The muuuuuuuuuuuuuusic! I was listening to Divine Comedy at the weekend and it was very, VERY nostalgic *catches that spore, cultivates and smokes it*
They were touring last month and I missed them ;-; I was so gutted. I've been waiting bloody years for them to come back over here and they sold out within a couple of days! *eats own head in despair*
Was it only last month?!! Shiiit. I know they did tour recently as I was talking to my best mate about it BAH! *gets you to regurgitate then spreads on french toast*
I never saw them either and I saw so many bands, back in the day, my dear. It's a travesty, TRAVESTY I TELLS YOU.
Next time. It will happen and you, me and the other one will have to go watch. Yessir.
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