Today insane things have happened. I watched this program and basically it's called "Something Special", and it features this rather large man dancing around and some disabled children, it's crazy. you can learn children's sign language too...
then i decided to get up and cook pizza for breakfast and the gasmen came, and the landlord didn't tell me boo landlord. dan got in a huff cos i complained because he ate all the biscuits and wouldn't have a shower when the gasmen were there, meaning i couldn't have a shower cos someone has to watch the gasmen, so i eneded up having a screaming match and being late for the lecture. and to top it all off the gasmen found nothing wrong with our ovenb, even though it's a deathtrap. bastards.
I've had a great idea. Basically by moving out of the house , it means I have no fixed abode this summer. It also means that I've freed up a lot of cash. So I have a plan - Liz's Grand Tour of the British Isles. This basically means that if you have a house over the summer at uni I will probably be coming to visit. This is when you all start telling me you'd rather burn your feet than have me stay...
Also Phil from the Upper Sixth, I can't remember his surname, is walking round rhul as i type. I'm gonna go hunt for him. And away I go.
Dan is getting a myspace account.