Jul 01, 2002 10:45
the first of july 2002!
my lettuce expires today.
the days slither around me and the weeks scurry past like little demons with pitchforks.
good god great scott.
have the impression of trickling, flooding.
um. i am still thoroughly disturbed by my dream last night in which a young doctor thought it best to remove my heart for its irregular palpitations and generally worrisome behaviour. when i realised death was on its way, i began to panic. "but...i really don't want to die right now!" the statement was very matter-of-fact. "oh, you're going to die anyway, you know, " everyone kept saying...swimming in pools full of dangerous eels and jellyfish! i stayed on the edge because of my heart condition, of course.
"maybe you could find an appendix, err, an appendage...err...you know, a replacement machine to run your body without your heart..." made of teflon he said??
i kept trying to remember what it was the heart actually did...and was it possible to live without one? to find a replacement? panic!
but old friends visited briefly with wads of money and julia finally came as well! she took me to an alternative shelter when an enormous twister storm went underway. i absentmindedly ate pink marshmallows, even though i knew they must be bad for my condition, as i clung to julia's sexy hips and asked her if she thought my situation was hopeless.