London Diary days 1+2

Feb 11, 2011 00:42

Hey everyone~

for my studies i have to go abroad for at least 5 weeks.

DAY 1 [FEB09]:
So, yesterday i arrived in London, pretty late actually, but easyjet flights are always either in the early morning or late eve. I live in a room in a B&B in Vauxhall, South Lambeth; only 2 stations from Victoria.
Unfortunately my room is pretty cold. Even with the heater on, i still feel ill (but i know I'm not...). I wrenched my muscles in my arms by pulling my 35kg trollies from Bochum to South London... a very exhausting 6h-journey...!
After having unpacked most of my stuff I fell into the comfortable bed. But due to the fact that i miss my boyfriend very much, who is currently working in the US, I could not sleep... Lucky that I could take a day off on Thursday...

DAY 2 [FEB10]:
I awoke early. Too early. 7.30am. For someone, who doesn't have anything to do: too early! Therefore i got back to sleep and awoke again at around 9am. After getting ready kinda slowly, I left at 12.30pm in order to find a job. I did not find a placement or job when I was in Germany, so i hoped to get one by asking around. My first destination should be Covent Garden. Because it was pouring and also because I just love the place it seemed to be worth a try. So many little shops and cafés... I walked into a little toy shop. The owners seemed to be Asian like nearly all the other owners of the shops around. And I always thought Regent Street and China Town were the Asian spots XD However I asked the owner and explained everything to her. My whole situation. That i was going to stay for 5 weeks and that I was looking for something to do. Payment not required. She told me to bring a CV the next day and I am planning to do so! I asked in several other shops like David+Goliath, Disney, different Cafés. But always the same: We cannot hire you for only five weeks and we are not allowed to let you work for free. These were the main refusals...
After that I had lunch at Covent Garden: Paella. And Sprite >D! Actually, I didn't want to eat for lunch but I was feeling so dizzy already that I decided to change my plans.
Before I had gone home I went to Picadilly and bought some nice japanese idol magazine (duet) and a Melon Pan (which didn't taste like Melon at all. It was only a Pan. Without Melon. Won't buy I ever again..!) I left for Tesco and bought some drinks and fruits and then off to Boots for some Shampoo and Lotions.
The drinks were so heavy in my jute Tesco bag that I had to take a break at Victoria and had a nice hot Capucchino. At around 6.15pm I grapped my stuff again and marched towards the Tube station. Which was closed. Hundrets of Londoners were standing and waiting in front of a huge gate and a sign told them not to enter the station (which was not possible, btw, because the gate was...closed?!?!>__>"") But I was lucky. It was openening when I got there and therefore I carried all my stuff down the stairs. When I arrived at home I was feeling like a dead duck. Again. I brought my stuff upstairs and went to the kitchen for some tea and boring - really boring! - TV. I'm pretty happy that internet is working now!
Just now I am sitting on my bed, missing home and my darling, feeling cold and being tired. Therefore, good night, folks!
What I bought today:

(If there is anybody out there, living near London, and wanting to meet a Johnnys Fan and wanting a (cosplay) shooting, just tell me! I. AM. BORED!)


blog, lifestyle, fashion, london, england

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