-x Basics x-
::Name - Matt
::Age - 18
::Location - Huntsville, Alabama :(
::Sex - Male
-x Favorites x-
::10 bands - Bright Eyes, Smashing Pumpkins, The Smiths, Radiohead, Northstar, Something Corporate, The Starting Line, Brand New, The Who, and The Get Up Kids
::5 books - The Catcher In The Rye, How Soon Is Never?, The Fuck-Up, Brave New Girl, and Twelve
::3 movies- Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, and Stand By me
::Band Live - Blame It On Blondie (They are a band from the local scene)
-x Opinions x-
::Teen sex - Do what you want, just be smart about it
::Drugs - Not for me, but I don't hate people who do them
::Teen Drinking - Be respobsible and its all good
::War in Iraq- I am 100% against it. They didn't attack us, nor did they have any ties with Al-Quida (spelling?). Plus, I'm very liberal and very anti-Bush.
::The maintainer of this community (aka xPitifulx) - Sure
-x Random x-
::Why should we accept you? I honestly don't know.
::Promote us in one other community and post the link
Shameless Promotion -x Post 3 clear pictures of yourself x-