-x Basics x-
::Name - alison but most call me ali
::Age - 15, soon to be 16
::Location - the beautiful jersey shore
::Sex - female
-x Favorites x-
::10 bands - something corporate, taking back sunday, plot to blow up the eiffel tower, embrace, the red scare, the early november, death cab for cutie, seeing means more, saetia, mae
::5 books - cut, skipping christmas, the da vinci code, the bell jar, 1984
::3 movies- elf, boondock saints, finding nemo
::Band Live - something corporate kick.
-x Opinions x-
::Teen sex - not for me. if you're gonna do it, wrap it up and be able to face the consequences.
::Drugs - have friends who do it but never tried. a little experimenting isn't too bad.
::Teen Drinking - fine just as long as you aren't a loser and drive.
::War in Iraq- for it. sorry, you just don't run planes into major buildings and think you're getting away with it.
::The maintainer of this community (aka xPitifulx) - is hot.
-x Random x-
::Why should we accept you? because i like to take poops.
::Promote us in one other community and post the link: emo_r_us_
-x 3 pictures x-