Mar 22, 2005 06:45
( ) I have been drunk
(x) I have kissed a member of the opposite sex no definitely not….
( ) I have kissed a member of the same sex
( ) I crashed a friend's car ive crashed my own car, does that count?
( ) I have been to Japan I have not but I would like to visit tho,
(x) I rode in a taxi
(x) I have been in love
() I've had sex
(all the time) I've had sex in public Im a professional stripper, what do you expect?
(x) I've shoplifted
( ) I have been fired
() I have cut myself on purpose
(x) I have been in a fist fight Only with my brothers, The only other time that would come close wasn’t a fight, it was just me getting my ass kicked.
( ) I've had a 3-some
(xxxxxx ) I've snuck out of my parent's house helllllllllll yessssssssssssss!
(x) I have been tied up its not what it sounds like
( ) I have been caught masturbating im no Nick True!
( ) I have been arrested negative, but ive come quite close
(x) I've made out with a stranger whoops
(xxxx) I've stolen something from my job Freakin Hale day camp has kept me fed for many summers off cape cod potato chips and freeze pops.
( ) I've celebrated New Year's in Time Square
( ) I've gone on a blind date
( ) I've had a crush on a teacher
( ) I've celebrated Mardi-Gras in New Orleans
( ) I have been to Europe
(x) I've skipped school I don’t think this counts because the one time I skipped I got it excused, we went out to breakfast. But don’t worry, ill take car of this one yet
( ) I've slept with a co-worker
( ) I have thrown up in a bar
() I have purposely set myself on fire no no no, I have 2 brothers that do enough of that.
( ) I have eaten sushi
(x) I have been snowboarding attempted and failed
(x)I have been snow skiing
(x)I have made a snow angel
(x) I have been happy with myself im happy quite often
() I have met a movie star
() I had sex in a pool ill get on this one asap
(x) I went to a prom
( ) I've bungee jumped
() I have been to a pop concert
( ) I have dated someone for over a year
(x) I sold naked pictures of myself ITS NOT MY FAULT, I WAS DRUNK! Im totally kidding, the closest I have of naked pictures of myself are those scandalous pictures from new years eve……
(x) I have been in a car accident unfortunately. scariest thing that has ever happened to me
(x) I have slept in the nude
(x) I've eaten cheesecake good shit, I wont lie
( ) I've had jury duty
(x) I've hated someone without knowing them I try not to, but sometimes I just have to be irrational like whoa
(x) I have been to Maine and prolly wont be going back, its pretty damn boring
() I've shot a real gun
(x) I've ran around with my trousers around my ankles I don’t actually know and cant actually think of an instance where I did this but im suuuuuure at some point it has happened, and plus, the word trousers is hilarious
( ) I've had sex with someone within a week of meeting them
( ) I've done ecstasy Ive got 70 years left
(x) I've gotten my ass kicked indeed, but it was so not a fair fight, I was like 7
() I've been caught smoking
( ) I've milked a cow
(x) I've got in a verbal fight with a teacher gotta love bruce
( ) I've cheated on someone
() Lied one time in this survey
() Lied more then once in this survey
( ) Threw a party at a friends house when they were gone I threw a party at my own house…..
( ) Partied every weekend for the last month
( ) Sniffed markers to get high
() Slept for more than 15 hours at a time
( ) Petted a live tiger
(x) Kissed someone in the snow yeah, it was a snowman attempt gone awry : )
( ) Found a four leaf clover
(x) Gave your parents the finger behind a closed door
( ) Gotten drunk in Germany
(x) Cried in public last time I can remember crying in front of anyone but my immediate family was 2nd grade, that was a bad day. But ive cried plenty of times to myself.
( ) Cried in public in the last 5 days
(x) Been hit on by a member of the same sex sorta….
( ) Been asked to perform oral sex by a complete stranger
( ) Have unknowingly been the other man/woman in a relationship
( ) Have knowingly been the other man/woman in a relationship
(x) Bitched at someone
(x) Been bitched at
(x) Saved a friend from a bad situation
(x) Went to a baseball game ive only gone to fenway once I think, but ive been to Pawtucket game dozens upon dozens of times.
(x) Went to a football game once i think
() Went to a basketball game
() Spent the weekend at a friend's
() Sucked my thumb
( ) Purposefully failed a grade
(x) Got picked on in school pretty much up until sophomore year, atleast in some shape or form
() Dressed like the popular kids hells noooooooo
( ) Joined the military negative, Ive promised that I wouldn’t but those damn marines wont stop calling my damn house!
(xxx) Been to the beach late night beach runs still cant be beaten
(x) Had a TY Beanie collection shhhhhhhh that doesn’t exist…..and I definitely don’t carry one around in my backpack…..
(x) Had a blonde moment
(x) Love your mom
() Love your dad wow, im not sure I can answer that, I think about this often tho and I never come to a conclusion
(x) Gotten along with a step-parent
() Gotten a piercing
(x) Told a friend you didn't like their boyfriend/girlfriend
(x) Confronted your parents
(x) And lived to see the next day
(x) Liked Barnie my bad
( ) Liked Teletubbies yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh
(x) Bought a friend a gift
() And still haven't sent it yet
(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) Is innocent
() Is perverted (At the same time!)
(x) Bought something but never used it