Okay guys, well since we didn't have everyone submit their icon, this will be our final round!
Voting Rules
• Anyone and everyone can vote. You do not have to be a participant or even be a member of the community - although Anonymous voting is not allowed.
• Please rank the following icons - 1 being the best, 3 the lesser. Please give an explanation with the icon you rank last. Constructive criticism please. No 'Because it's ugly' type comments. 'The icon is too blurry' 'the texture is overpowering' and 'the font doesn't really suit' are 'proper' comments.
• All comments are screened and will remain anonymous when given to the participants that request them.
• Icons may NOT be posted anywhere else before voting is over. If we find that you have posted your entry elsewhere, you will be disqualified!
• For those still in the competition, just rank the two other icons (one fave, one least fave ;D)
Example Vote:
1 (best). Icon Z
2. Icon Y
3 (least fave). Icon X - the aspect ratio if off and the coloring does not compliment the picture.
Voting will be up for a couple of days :) Any incomplete or nasty voting will not be counted.
Happy voting :)