okay, i usually wait until the end of the day to post in my journal but i just received HORRIFIC!!!!!!!! news!!!!!!
so, do we all know who NOM is? they are the National Organization for Marriage, and they absolutely do not want gay marriage in America, BECAUSE APPARENTLY GIVING GAYS THE RIGHT TO MARRY IS TAKING RIGHTS AWAY FROM THEM, and trust me, I'm not exaggerating (even though i just capped it XD)
well now, let's hear a the latest quota from them, shall we?
"What if Martin Luther King, Jr. would have listened to those who tried to silence him and tell him that his faith has no place in the public square?"
okay, first of all:
NOM is telling gays that their marriage/faith (trust me those words can sometimes be interchangeable) has no place in "the public square", correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't that seem a little hypocritical of them?
I mean they are trying sooooo hard to play the victim! OOOOOOMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp76ly2_NoI this link has been posted just to remind us of what the poor little babies at NOM have to go through!!!! (and i can explain every single one of the scenarios the actors have used to whip up a pity party with, and trust me, it'll only make you hate them that much more)
second of all:
How DARE they bring MLK into this, trying to make it look like he would be on their side!!! (put an extremely MAAAAAADDDDDD face here) they are treating gays the way the racists treated him!!! and now they want to make it look like THEY (nom) are the humanitarians!!!!! oh sure I'll believe them, WHEN PIKACHU GETS REPLACED BY THE SPICE GIRLS AS THE POKEMON MASCOT!!!!!! (trust me, as much as i freaking luuuvvv the spice girls, that would never happen)
did u know that MLK's wife, Correta Scott King, was an avid LGBT supporter? so we automatically know that MLK would never support NOM in their quest for ultimate bigotry
thank you for reading this, now excuse me while i go clean up the mess that my head just made when it exploded due to extreme fit of rage
zak out!