(no subject)

Dec 06, 2010 21:27

59 Challenge: Theme - Close crop

You can submit 3 or less icons.

You can use all the pics,stills,promo photos,screencaps.

You need to submit no more than 3 icons providingimg src and url forms..The icons must be new and made exactly for this challenge.

Your icons must fit LJ standarts - no larger than 40kB, 100x100p

All effects are allowed (blending, textures, text, brushes) except animation.

Submit entries in a NEW SEPARATE POST (not as a comment to this post!)

Add a tag to your entry: your username.

Post your entries till 12th of December, 6 PM EUROPE/HELSINKI TIME ZONE.

Have fun&be creative!
feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments and ask for help with the caps if you need it=)

challenge 59

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