Name Hana

Age 16

Status Boyfriend

Location Boston, MA

Sexual Preference Straight

Hobbies Drawing, music, tv, soccer (when possible)

Top 5 favorite

Movies Beautiful Mind, LOTR, Amelie, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Harry Potter

Bands Green Day, Nirvana, The Clash, Hole, Sonic Youth

Books LOTR, Catcher in the Rye, Redwall series, Harry Potter, Hitchhicker Guide

TV shows: Simpons, Family guy, ER: Real Life Trauma Stories (I don't know if that's the actual name of the show), the news

What are your views on:

The war in Iraq I
don't agree with it, and I think Bush used it as an excuse to get
Hussein. He told us he was fighting the war on terror, and trying to
capture Osama bin Laden, but he ended up capturing Saddam Hussein.

Gay marrige I
think that it's great, and that gay lesbians and straights should all
have equal rights. Who you have sex with should not be the basis on
which you are judged.

Abortion I
believe that abortion should be allowed, to a certain extent. If the
baby is practically fully developed, then I don't think it should be
allowed, there is always adoption. However, if the mother or parents
weren't planning on having the baby, and they aren't old enough or
don't have the financial stability, then I think that is a reason for
abortion. It's a horrible thing no matter how you look at it, but the
world doesn't need anymore abused children or children who aren't

The death penalty I
honestly don't know what to think about this yet. But, I do agree with
this quote, it's not exact, "There are those who die who don't deserve
it, and there are those who live who don't deserve it. Can you bring
back those who are dead? Don't be so quick to hand out death and
judgement," (Gandalf, LOTR)...yes, call me a dork, that book is the
closest you'll get me to a bible.

Pre-marital sex Depends
on what age you are, I mean you could be having pre-marital sex when
you are 27 years old. If you are my age or younger, or even a few years
older, you are too young. There are so many things that can happen that
SO many kids don't even THINK about.

Drug use I've never used drugs, and I honestly don't have the desire to. I think they are a waste of time.

Why are you an elite lady? I
don't like the term "elite lady". I don't consider myself elite. I was
invited to this, and I thought it was interesting, and I have nothing
else to do in my spare time. Though, if you do need me to answer this
question I could tell you that I get straight A's and that I go to
Boston Arts Academy and major in Visual Arts.

If you could change one thing about yourself [physical] what would it be? My stomach, I want it to be flatter.

If you could change one thing [ mentally] about yourself what would it be? Not to take things to seriously.

Put somthing funny, make us laugh. Something
funny. That didn't make you laugh did it? Crap. Well, lets see. This
guy walks into a bar with a turtle who is all bruised up, and the man
he sits next to asks him what's wrong with his turtle. He tells him
that nothing is wrong and that he'll bet him $25.00 his turtle will
beat his dog in a race across the room. The guy accepts the bet. When
the race begins, the man stands on one end of the room and calls his
dog. The man with the turtle throws his turtle across the room. It
beats the dog and he demands his $25.00. I suck at telling jokes

If you could swim in a pool of anything what would it be? Water. I really loving swimming in water. Seriously. I'm not even being sarcastic, I used to be on a swim team.

Pet peeves:
These stupid little hearts in front of every question. I have a lot of
pet peeves. People chewing, slurping, obnoxious sneezing, rude people
in class, when people leave two sheets of toilet paper on the roll, and
those STUPID school toilet paper rollers, they give you like 3 sheets
at a time!! Oh, and when people leave their paper towels in the sink,
the garbage is right on your way out of the bathroom. Messyness. I am
so OCD about being neat. I could go on. I bet you don't want me to.

Chinese food or mexican food? Chinese to the 1000000000000000 power

Summer or winter? Autumn.......... (winter)

Snow or rain? both. Except in the city, I don't like snow in the city. It's dirty and gross and wet.

Rock or rap? rock

Strawberries or blueberries? strawberries

Cat or dog? both. I can't pick.

Spring or autumn? autumn

Promote us to atleast 2 communities/ journals [we will check links]
Include atleast 3 regular pictures of yourself and 1 100x100 pic, please no booty shots.
I don't know if these are considered "regular" pictures of me, if they aren't, could you tell me so that I can submit others?
Here's some other pictures that are larger: