Feb 16, 2010 14:49
I had a particularly excellent Sunday.
I woke up slowly, on my own, without an alarm, which is my favorite way to wake up.
Had no plans of any kind, so I lazed around the apartment for a while doing nothing. Finally decided to get dressed and take a bike ride. It was a beautiful day, no-sweater-weather. I rode over to Best Buy and bought myself Whip It on DVD, because I adore that movie, then went to Christina's Safeway and got some stuff for dinner.
Rode home, sat around doing more nothing, watched part of Whip It, had some cottage cheese. Got a call from Mike V who had missed out on coming out to the pub the night before, and he mentioned he was going hiking with Sean, his friend I met when we saw Jurassic Park at the Retro Dome. Well, it just so happened that I had been totally feeling like going hiking for serious so I threw on some schlubby clothes, made some impromptu trail mix out of rice cake and M&Ms, met up with Mike and Sean and Sean's roommate Jen and Jen's dog Sandy, and we all drove out from Saratoga to this place, Windy Hill, Windy Hollow, something like that, and had ourselves an epic three-hour hike, part of which was just straight uphill for days and days. We saw salamanders, bunnies and quail, and had in general an excellent time.
We made it back to civilization and the road at the tail-end of sundown, and thusly did not get eaten by mountain lions.
I had plans in the evening to watch The Hurt Locker with Christina and Karla (because Netflix fiiiiinally sent it to me) so Mike joined us for that. I made us some mushroom pasta (which since I had just burned off like three thousand million calories, I consumed with abandon) and we sat down to watch what turned out to be a really fucking excellent movie that, at least for me, totally lived up to the hype. And I'm not a big war movie type person either, but as I mentioned on Twitter, I would even watch this one again.
(Okay part of the rewatch appeal might be that I've had a Thing for Jeremy Renner since 1995 when I used to watch National Lampoon's Senior Trip all the time and every time I see him in anything I remember that I forgot just how awesome and talented and weird-looking and sexy I think he is but I've just never seen him in anything other than supporting roles until now when suddenly it's like BAM JEREMY RENNER OSCAR NOMINEE and I'm like wait how many years has it been since 1995?)
(Oh wait except for 28 Weeks Later, he had a pretty big role in that. Didn't he? Now I'm going to have to watch it again.)
(But The Hurt Locker, I feel, also stands on its own merits. Of course.)
So we watched that, and ate foods, and drank Two Buck Chuck and Rabbit's Foot cider, and I'd made raspberry Jell-O so we had that for dessert, and everybody helped me eat the rest of my M&Ms so I didn't eat them all by myself all alone in my room in the dark, and then Christina put on her brother's copy of Iron Man on Blu-Ray, which looks phenomenal, and then I got very sleepy and forced myself to say my goodnights, and crawled into my nice clean bed that I had even made earlier so it was all neat and ready for me to curl up with the cat and go Zzzzzz.
And Zzzzz I did.
And then in the morning the scale said 160, which is the lowest number the scale has said in a long time! Four pounds down this year, then! (My rough goal is twenty but I also plan to see how I look and feel as I go along - if I only lose fifteen but also lose this belly then I'll consider it a win and maintain that weight. I'm not going to torture myself here. Chocolate is good, you know? And so is running.)
So that was my excellent Sunday.
I'm going to get my hair cut after work - crossing my fingers this new lady can recreate my Platonic Ideal Of A Curly A-Line Cut since Jules is out of town til Wondercon - then maybe going to the MC Frontalot show at Stanford or maybe going home and doing laundry. Then tomorrow it's therapy and probably Indian food with my dad. Thursday I'm seeing this thing called The Bright River with Sam. Friday I've got plans to watch Caprica with Sue since we keep squeeing about it online together but haven't actually watched it in each other's presence. Saturday it's the belated Australia Day celebration at Cat and Kenneally's.
This month is damn busy.
jeremy renner