I don't feel much like posting but I'm sick of seeing that post from DC at the top of the page there.
--Hopefully later I'll have some proper words to write about the weekend, because it really was a perfect sleepless weekend. Dinner at Little India with my dad, brunch with Arielle, Fezziwig's cast party, and three nights of the truly epic and gorgeous
Edwardian Ball. Deep dark ballrooms, music from another time entirely, lovely waltzes with lovely people, finding that the oddest people know each other, contortionists and acrobats and just that general bohemian feeling that comes from wandering through halls filled with troubadors and guys on stilts and impromptu LED violin demonstrations and clockwork jewelry vendors and suchlike.
--I need want need a new steampunk outfit. I got a new (well, old) garrison cap at an estate sale on Saturday, and now I want a whole new outfit to go with it. I really like
this corset and
the general idea of this skirt. I can't wear the same variations on that zomg-everything-has-pinstripes! outfit forever, love it though I do. Perhaps by the next Abney Park show in March I'll have thrown something together. Or WonderCon.
--I slept for twelve hours on Monday night, having never fully recovered (from the Inauguration trip, the twenty-four-hour delay getting home from the East Coast, or my decision to then attend every instant of the Edwardian Ball), before having to deal with the emotional strain of most of Monday. Twelve hours, from the time I got home from work to the time I had to wake up the next day. I needed it, and it felt excellent. Ghanima was happy, too. She was curled around my knees and purring when I woke up.
--My schedule is entirely back to normal now. I am no longer living out of luggage or backpacks and that will take some getting used to. It was a very long, eventful ten days to be away from home, on the other coast or out all night or sleeping on Arielle's couch.
--I'm hungry.
--I have a paper due tomorrow night.
--That was way more words that I expected to say.