i wish i was special

May 01, 2007 23:30

Is it me or was everyone about seventeen times sexier than normal in this episode? Sylar. Matt. Mr. Bennet, even. Everyone.

Oh, and Peter. Of course I already think that on the eighth day god created Milo Ventimiglia but I'm talking about the character Peter Petrelli here now: holy aksjdfvbl. Guh, even. It's obvious the past five years have taken their toll on him, but let's look on the bright side: they have also served to make him completely stupid hot.

All in complete control of his powers, marching in and fucking shit up and throwing guards into walls. With the scar. And his arms in that wife-beater. Not taking shit from Niki. Actually wanting to fight. Future!Peter is a far cry from the emo-banged erstwhile hospice nurse. It's actually going to be strange to go back to the normal timeline next week.

By the way, hello, Kring? Please to stop cheating me out of my Peter vs. Sylar already okay.

First it was 'In seven weeks, the thrilling conclusion! Is. Um. Right! A death we all know isn't permanent, and Mohinder pwning Sylar with a big rolling map!'


Sylar: Little hand says it's time to rock'n'roll. FOOOM! *glows blue*
Peter: Bring the noise. WOOOOSH! *glows red*
Mohinder: *holds the door shut on some flashy lights*
Me: ......drat.

A few other little things:

- Anybody else notice the Matrixy visual touches? It's obvious when Peter, Ando and Future!Hiro take on the guards; it's less overt in the greenish tint of the scene where Future!Hiro and Ando are escaping down an alley after Past!Hiro has been taken.

- Why does Peter have a scar anyway? Maybe he was cut with some special weapon. Like maybe a sword. A magic...special...sword?

- Hiro saying 'Futu-a Me!' was so. Damn. Adorable.

- So Sylar can phase through things now. This must mean he killed DL, but not in the explosion, right, because of the necessary brain-slicing? Then when did Micah die?

I got these new icons from a Miss lay_of_luthien, and they're both so badass that I can't decide which one to use. So I'm just going to show them to you side by side for maximum excellence:

Now to go to bed and try to ignore the banal and irritating things going on in my real life. What's a lost wallet in the long run? An Elvis Costello ticket not yet arrived the day before the show? A job lost, a rent raised, a neighbor's goddamned subwoofer at 1am on a work night? In the grand scheme of things...

heroes, sylar, milo ventimiglia

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