hello, peasants

Sep 28, 2006 12:44

So I did wind up getting dressed at the last minute and going to BAGG last night. I danced for hours, hardly spoke to anyone and felt better about the whole strange and sleepy day.

Two things. Links, because I have nothing else of interest to contribute and I just realized that I am starving:

1. There is the most giggly adorable out-of-character Cylon photo in the new TV Guide. Don't scroll over to the text if you don't want to read spoilers, but Miss karabou scanned it here. Aw, look at Doral. ::scruffles:: Until Gaeta is outed as a toaster [and he totally frakking will be, you watch] Doral is my special favorite Cylon boy.

2. And the other thing? OMG PROMO FOR THE NEW FUTURAMA!!!11!1one

2008? It's not even 2007 yet. What if the world ends before then? I can hardly stand to wait another week and a half for Battlestar. This is like when they announced the Star Wars prequels and, calculating in my head, I realized that by the time the third one came out I would already be in college.

EDIT: Wait - three things! Last night Tony texted me [he just loves his texting] while my bag was in coat check:

Tony: I think im a cylon!

When I finally saw it, I wrote back:

Me: What are you gonna do?

His response:

Tony: Nevermind im not a cylon! It was just a leg cramp.

dance, futurama, battlestar, lolz

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