The Smiths are really the best band ever for being emo to. To which to be emo.
But Me First And The Gimme Gimmes? They make everything better.
So that whole "eat right and exercise" resolution that I made at the beginning of the year, yeah, it only worked for a while and then I reverted to not being able to control my snacking, and to not taking care of myself as well I should. This is what always happens to this resolution. I've lost a little, but not as much as I could have in five months, not enough to be noticeable, and just barely not enough to fit into my Indian outfit.
However, since Baycon I've managed really well, and I plan to continue into the foreseeable future. So. Just an update. Stop bringing donuts over, people. And Denny's is never a good idea at the best of times.
I accidentally left my brown cocktail dress in the room at the Doubletree. If I can find a new dress today when I go shopping with Cat, then I'll just get them to send it to me. I want a new dress anyway. It's no good to only have one dress that you like to wear.
In other news
CAT GOT A CAT! She is only a few months older than Susannah so they're both still cattens, really. And they are going to be best friends, once they stop hissing and being suspicious of each other. Her name is Gwaedden.