Jul 05, 2005 22:56
Oh yea. So I basically gave myself bad news lol. I took this Bates placement exam online. It was a test where no one found out but u. Just a bunch of calculus questions to see what level you should probably be in next year for math. And i scored 19/20 and it said calculus 2 and i want to be in calculus 1. I think i might stay even though i probably shouldn't. Just cause there were some major topics that i just didnt get ( I needed more time etc.)
So I keep changing my classes slash schedule around. For now im in chemistry, calculus, freshmen seminar on Buddha (probably changing to a psych seminar) and some greek gods/history thing (which i dont want to be in) I really wanted a greek myth class but they didnt offer it this year. So maybe i can switch so i take buddhism as a class not a seminar. We'll see.
I hope I have a cool roommate and get good housing :) I was talking to Jack about Maine. And i think it's a bit cold for me. Buying a coat would probably be a good decision. My last winter parka is from 6-7th grade ski team from middle school.
omg dan.... enough said.
My brother's hampster is really cute (Scoober) I think she has ADD or is a little slow though... She runs in her hampster wheel for about 1.5 seconds then stops turns around, waits and repeats. After a few of these rounds instead of crawling from the top through the tube to the bottom of the cage, she basically just falls. I want to pad the bottom of the cage with more of those shavings things or make her a little hampster helmet so she doesn't hurt herself lol.
Speaking of making things. At work last week I was unpacking all of Inca's things because she's pregnant and can't bend lol and she didnt have little boxes for paperclips and stuff like that so i made boxes out of tape lol. So creative.
Exhausted --> Bed