Sep 27, 2005 08:35
1. What is the middle name of the first person you ever slept with or had sex with? OMG how sad is it that I don't know. I regret to say it wasn't with someone special, but at least it didn't hurt!
2. What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color? I don't wear underwear :)
3. What is the song you want played at your funeral? "Tears in Heaven" Eric Clapton
4. What would your last meal be before getting executed? All kinds of fondue. Cheesecake, pickles yummmm
5. Beatles or Stones? I saw the stones like a few weeks ago, they kicked ass!
6. If you had to pick one person on earth who should die, who would it be? I'm a lover not a fighter
7. The person whose problems you would never want to hear again? I don't mind hearing peoples problems, although some people crack me up as to what they consider "problems" in their life
8. How strongly do you grasp the finer points of socio-political dynamics? socio who?
9. Do you secretly hate some of your friends but are too nice to reject them? Some of my friends can really piss me off, but at the end of the day I'm glad to call them my friends
10. If you could have any superpower(s), what would it be? The ability to be invisible
11. What recharges you, so you can face another stint in the daily grind? being around the people I love, and ZUMA
12. How many drinks does it take to get you drunk? Depends on the day, and how much I've eaten, anywhere from 3-6
13. Tell me your favorite song lyric. It would be in another language,and I don't feel like translating
14. Describe your ideal physical match? I don't have one, but Mr.H and I seem to be a pretty damn good match
15. Which one of your five senses would you be most upset upon losing if one had to be taken away? My sense of smell
16. What is your family history of psychiatric problems? none that I know of
17. Where would you like to see your siblings receive professional help? Wierdly enough neither of my siblings need professional help
18. What is it about your favorite season that makes it your favorite? The fall - cool crisp air, hot apple cider, fleece, curling up with the one you love when it gets chilly (in this case curling up with Mr. Sanchez)
19. What is the first movie you can remember seeing as a kid? pinocchio, and my sister and I were crying so loudly my mom had to take us out of the theatre!
20. Who is your Idol, Hero, or Favorite person in the whole world? I don't have an Idol, there are a lot of people whom I admire for different reasons
21. When's the last time you went on a formal date? Like white linens? I'm not that kind of a girl, but I do something fun with ritch like every weekend
22. What is something that you promise yourself you will do, yet never seem to get around to it, and why? lose weight/exersice. I never get around to it, because I'm lazy and I like food.
23. If you were given two weeks paid vacation and $20K, what would you do? Tavel as much of the world as I could on that money. Try to hit all the continents.
24. Person you most wish you hadn't made out with? This gay guy in college you had braces. I looked like I had been mawled by an animal the next day!
25. Reverse your sexual orientation, what person would you do it with? My chiquita, Erica, a girl I slept with in college
26. Where do you want to live when you are old and brittle? I would have said Florida up until this year. So I guess now, someplace warm, and VERY far inland
27. Who do you know would drop everything without thinking to come to your aid? My dad, and even though he hasn't had to, I think Ritch would
28. What TV/Movie character(s) do you correlate yourself with? Shelby from Steel Magniolias LOL JK
29. What books have you pretended you've read? none, music I've listened to is a different story
30. What's a word you would use to describe your life? heightened
31. Favorite drinking game? I went to a drug school, not a drinking school, so Mary Jane is more my style
32. What did you dream last night? I honestly don't remember, but I think they were interesting, and I know Ritch was in a lot of them