Wicca/Paganism in the Air Force

Nov 17, 2011 07:38

Just this morning I (finally -- normally I'm able to keep up with the Wild Hunt's postings) got to read the first part of a two-part article about Wiccans and Pagans in the Air Force. It was a pretty well-written article (click here to read), but it doesn't really get into the details of how the Pagan services began there at Lackland.

When I went, that program was still in its infancy: it met on Saturdays, it was very small (less than 10 of us attending), and there wasn't a chaplain to lead things or even supervise. We'd talk a little first, just to be sure everyone who was going to be present was there, then we'd cast circle to get into meditation and whatnot.

The author mentions that no one gets extra duty and whatnot; that's hopefully the case now. It wasn't *really* extra duty, but I can tell you that if you didn't go to Sunday services, you got roped into dorm guard duties, or cleaning and buffing the floor. You definitely used that time to iron your clothes or shine your boots if you could, though, because inspections could be tough; any free time, really, you spent getting your crap in shape.
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