
Jan 28, 2011 08:28

Ugh. It'll be nice when I can have a proper weekend -- by my usual school standards -- again. All these make up days really fucking suck.

A little bitch session about my Ancient Art & Architecture class -- though really, to be fair, maybe it's a bitch session about SCAD and how all the good resources are in Savannah and Atlanta has to beg. Anyway... so today, we're supposed to talk about the Parthenon frieze. Our professor wanted us to read approximately 50 pages of material and photocopy 7 pages of images to assemble (before class, preferably, though we'd spend time in class going over them).

All this material came out of two books; one copy of each exists in our library, to my knowledge. And those are on reserve, meaning you can't check them out, properly. You get two hours' time with those books. Now, if this were a more typical college, it could be argued that reading ahead would ensure you could do this multiple times to make sure you get what you need from them. But this is SCAD, where the workload and short time means you're constantly busy and constantly prioritizing; unless you're a ridiculously motivated insomniac, it's just not going to happen until a day or two before.

Which is to say that I need to read this stuff right now, before I head off to today's make up classes, which were the same classes that met yesterday at our regular time. Myself and three other girls probably spent more time trying to scan and photocopy the relevant pages than I'm about to spend reading it. Sigh.
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