A Glorious Day Off with No Plans

Jul 03, 2006 09:33

So, due to my husband being a genius, were were actually able to get off Friday and go to Trillium Wars. I had a lot of fun. We didn't have a fire pit in our encampment, but I got my fire, singing and marshmallow fix down at the Galbraiths. More campfire singing on Saturday night would have been good, but the finals of "Ealdormere Idol" and the rain kinda put a kabosh on that. I also carved a soap rose at Rob & Jodi's vigil and got to spend most of Saturday just wandering and hanging out.

I decided my persona for the weekend was "Scadian" and wore my T-tunics and bog-dress. Enough people laughed at the bad joke in my explaination. Funny story: Saturday morning looked like it would be hot, so I had Gwyndion braid my hair up in a crown of braids to keep it off my neck. When Tom & Larissa arrived, Tatiana didn't recogonize me at first. However, Lerthan was also wearing a blue bog dress and she had her hair (just slightly lighter than mine) down in two braids. Tatiana ran up to *her* shouting, "Hi Aunt Elise!"

Our tent rocks. During the downpour on Saturday evening, not a single leak.

However, deciding on short notice that we could camp, meant we had not planned, and forgot bunch of things. So now I'm going type up the list of what we took and what we forgot so I have it for our Pennsic planning.


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