The Simple Woman's Daybook

Apr 27, 2015 10:03

FOR TODAY Monday, April 27, 2015

Outside my window ... it's cloudy. I don't know what the temperature is, but it's not as cold as yesterday. Still, after nearly two weeks in North Carolina, the Waterloo weather is chilly to me. My crocuses are blooming in the yard, but I miss the profusion of flower trees in Elizabeth City. I'm planning to replace the dead ornamental tree in our yard with a flower apricot, but apparently you're not supposed to do that until the May 2-4.

I am thinking ... about the modern culture feature. We have pantophobia we don't acknowledge.

I am thankful ... for a loving husband, a smart child, and puppy who is eager to please.

From the kitchen... I made green smoothies this morning for the first time in two weeks -- spinach, banana & strawberry, with a spoonful of almond/hazelnut butter. Then I bought Lex & I muffins on the way to KDC.

I am wearing... my dark skinny jeans, an aqua long-sleeved T-shirt, a dark pink/raspberry cardigan (with the sleeves of both pushed up to my elbows), my usual rings and necklace, and an my worn-out black loafers. My hair is loose and my make-up is minimal.

I am creating... Due to cat sabotage, I'm reworking part of my gift for the Trillium Exchange to be delivered this coming Saturday.

I am going... to Septentrian Baronial Investiture this Saturday.

I am reading... The Hobbit to Alexander at bedtime. He is loving it. Bilbo and Kili just found what they think is the hidden door

I am hoping... I can be a positive influence.

I am hearing... my child fussing because I will not let him watch a movie or eat marshmallow peeps at 9:30 in the morning!

Around the house... it's pretty much a mess (yeah, we could all have heart attacks and die from that surprise). But tomorrow is Tuesday and time for the blitzclean. Hope spring eternal.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Hmmm ... well, Lex is going back to school this afternoon, there's housecleaning and the dog has a vet appointment tomorrow, Lex has a dentist appointment on Thursday. I need to finish the TE project. I need to make sure my Arrochar garb is in order for Saturday (and should probably actually make the belt I bought the materials for at Lilies last year). And I want to get back to my sorely neglected blogs.

~~ Here's the blog it came from:
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