May 31, 2006 12:46
Wow. We just had a brief brown out here. I guess the ads that have been running about conserving energy to avoid a blackout like three years ago haven't been enough.
I just shut off my radio - whoops! Another one - and turned the A/C setting up up two degrees (I noticed it was set lower than I had left it last night).
Last night I didn't turn the TV on at all and stayed down in the basement where it was cooler. We put the A/C in the backroom on when Jay got come from the Jay's game (about 1 am) - he has trouble sleeping in the heat.
I'm not sure I'm doing enough. I have to have the computer on all day for work - and I use the computer quite a bit at home too. I was really feeling bad for how long I was spending with the machine last night, but I had to do Louise's bookkeepping.