Doctor Who (+ Torchwood) Meta Masterlist

Oct 13, 2013 19:07


'Meta on the Doctor Falls and the Twelfth Doctor's era' or 'Why Moffat Who is Poetry'. (Written Summer 2017, post S10)

(Written spring/summer 2014 - between S7 and S8)

(Written spring 2011 - pre-S6)

(Written December 2011 - post-S6)

(My final word on Ten. Written autumn 2012)



Meta on A Christmas Carol. (Written December 2011.)

Meta: The Angels Take Manhattan. (A Love Letter To Marriage) (Written October 2012)

DW 8.07. Kill the Moon/Clara Who? (Written October 2014)

[Cut for space]
The Eleventh Hour review/squee/rambling/meta

The Pandorica Opens

DW S6.2 Day of the Moon

Let's Kill Hitler + Addendum

The Girl Who Waited

The God Complex

A Town Called Mercy

Rings of Akhaten. Immediate impression/reaction + Rings of Akhaten Meta + Addendum

Hide. Thinking with pictures

Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS.



S5 reviews
S6 reviews
S7 reviews
S8 reviews
S9 reviews
S10 reviews


My Doctor. (Written June 2010)

Becoming Eleven. (Written July 2010)

Time (Lords) Can Be Re-Written. Meta on Ten -> Eleven. (Written January 2011)

The Doctor in S6a. (Written June 2011)

Assorted Meta. Dealing with Doctor Who?, themes in S7 and why Clara is a penguin. (Written May 2013)


The Song of Song. (Poem.)

Hello Sweetie: A Doctor/River Essay. (Written July 2010)

Doctor/River meta: Destiny and free will - how exactly does it all work? (Written October 2010)

Thoughts on River's fate. (Spoilers for AGMGTW.) (Written August 2011)

Meta on the Doctor and River. (Written August 2011)

Speak Softly And Be River Song (meta on River in the Library through the lens of TWoRS) (Written April 2012)


The Ponds. A little meta. (Spoilers for AGMGTW) (Written August 2011)

Meta: The Ponds (This is the way women and men have behaved since the beginning...) (Written September 2011)

Vids recs and a little meta. (ALL THE MIRRORS! Written October 2011)


My Oswin Theory. (Written October 2012)

Clara Who? (Written March 2013)

Clara Theory. (Written April 2013)


A few thoughts on Moffat’s writing. (Written August 2011)

Layers in Doctor Who. (Written spring 2013)


'Fear Me, I Killed All Of Them'. Notes on dark!Doctor meta vid.

The New Age. Vid by promethia_tenk. (A vid about the Doctor being broken and alone and being put back together... About the show, about where we are heading, about Time Lords and Ponds and the promise of Clara - about war and loss and love and healing and learning to live again. It is all my thoughts bundled into 3 minutes, and you should all go watch it.)

Essays, RTD era

What if God Was One of Us? (S3 meta, dealing with all the themes the finale brought out. Written July 2007)

Time Lord Nature. (Vid meta: Handlebars and Marble House.) (Written October 2009)

Meta: Why Ten is like Wesley. (Written February 2011)

Assorted meta, RTD era

Meta: Seeing EoT with new eyes (because RTD cut out THE MOST IMPORTANT PART!) (Written June 2012)

...And I am dead. (Thoughts on Ten's attitude to death. Written December 2010)

‘Dalek’ re-watch (spoilers for S3 finale)

Thoughts on ‘Rose’ and TGiF

Long-ish thoughts on ‘Sound of Drums’

Meta/squee on 'Time Crash' (the 'Children in Need' mini-ep)

The Doctor's River. (Brief thoughts on River's fate. Written June 2008)

Many Rambly SQUEEFUL thoughts on 'The Stolen Earth' DW 4.12.

DW 4.13 and TheDoctorDonna!

End of Time Part 1.

End of Time Part 2.

Why the EoT scene between the Doctor and Jack was perfect!

For more, try these tags:

ten is meta catnip)


This is sparse on the ground so far...

Spyfall meta

Dw S12.08. The Haunting of Villa Diodati (scattered thoughts, mostly poetry)

Thoughts on the S1 finale and Jack/Ianto.

Rough thoughts on KKBB.

Jack/Ianto + thoughts on 'Adam'.

Is Jack worse than John?

Torchwood meta: The Lost Files. (All three radio plays, but mostly The House of the Dead.)

All my 'Children of Earth' thoughts.

chibnall, chibnall's master plan, dw s8 review, torchwood, dw s12 review, rtd, moffat, dw s5 review, river song, ten is meta catnip, dw s6 review, dw s9 review, clara who, whoniversal meta, doctor who, dw s7 review, dw s10 review, dw s11 review

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