I don't ship Spike/Cordelia, but...

Sep 14, 2005 12:38

Everyone should watch this vid:

Haunted by Astarte.

Originally rec'd by sdwolfpup (when a vidder recs a vid, it's good to pay attention...) I downloaded out of curiosity. And OMG!!!1!!11!!!! I am *so* in awe of this vid! It's almost like a fic, in that it builds an AU where Spike and Cordelia are connected... oh, I don't know how to describe it, just go watch. It is so well made that it left me literally slack-jawed the first time - and still does now after many viewings. The cutting is so incredibly well done, that you'd swear they were in the same room! If you only watch one vid this year, let this be the one!

I was thinking about BtVS and Doctor Who and the differences between the shows. And why so many people loved the finale of Doctor Who, but not Buffy. There are many reasons for this, and I don't want to start arguments, but it occurred to me that DW is fundamentally shippy. (ETA: Only the latest series, I should add.) It's written as a shippy show. The writer even used the word 'soulmates' to describe The Doctor and Rose. On Buffy however that was never the case - Buffy was always about the individual character's journey. So Buffy and Spike completed their separate archs, whereas The Doctor and Rose completed their joint one. I think that makes sense...

Now one thing about Buffy is that very few people can see her happily settled with Mr. Ordinary. But re-watching 'Firefly' recently, I thought that this is actually very silly. Because one of the loveliest couples *ever* has to be Zoe and Wash. And right there we have a relationship between a 'warrior-woman' and a guy who's hopeless at fighting. But he has other talents and the marriage is obviously very strong. So I think that if Buffy found the right guy (who might very well be a shanshued Spike...) she could be very happy.

doctor who, vid recs, buffy has taken over my brain

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