Because the nice guys deserve to come first!

Mar 07, 2011 10:43

I know Annie's probably too far behind now, but I've been SO HAPPY that she's done well, because if she has a superpower it's her loving, generous nature, and seeing that recognised is truly wonderful. Ditto the (eleventh) Doctor. (My Eleven campaigning can be found here. *g*)

All of which led me to realise that Annie would be the perfect companion! She has joy and enthusiasm that's off the scale, plus as a ghost she'll never age and she can't be taken hostage or killed! Not to mention that she makes AWESOME tea and the Doctor would love her for that alone. ♥ I need fic of this SO BADLY IT HURTS! (Oh and I've not seen last night's Being Human yet, so please don't spoil me!)

march madness

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