First of all: At the beginning of the Vincent ep Amy mentions that the Doctor has taken her to lots of lovely places, including Arcadia. This rang a bell, but I've not seen anyone else talk about the significance of this, so I wanted to mention it. From 'Doomsday':
DALEK SEK: How did you survive the Time War?
THE DOCTOR: By fighting. On the front line. I was there at the fall of Arcadia. Someday I might even come to terms with that.
This adds yet another layer to the Doctor's actions - he takes Amy somewhere that, to her, is a true wonder, but to himself is a reminder of one of his worst memories (one of his worst failures?) - showing again how very hard Rory's death has hit him, and how he might even be trying to punish himself somehow.
Secondly: The air kisses in The Lodger. I re-watched that ep yesterday, on tape (because I record everything, obviously), and happened to re-wind a little too far and caught the end of Vincent and the Doctor. And there it was - Vincent kissing the Curator! And now I am completely convinced that the Doctor was copying Vincent. :)