First of all, two fics recs. Both very, very short, very, very spoilery, and very, very good:
a shift in the universe by
(he wasn't there again today) by
ETA: And another one:
Just a Moment. (Time-wise set before the other two, so read it first.)
First of all, a clip of the cut part of 'The Hungry Earth', because I love it.
Click to view
Actually I think there's a bit missing where Amy asks the Doctor what he thinks of Rory, 'cause his 'I like him' comes sort of out of the blue. BUT. He likes him. A lot. I'll get back to this.
I'm not sure I have all that many thoughts on the episode itself, but let's try...
- Disliked that all the 'bad guys' were women, liked that Nasreen and Amy were awesome, and thought that the 'in a thousand years time' resolution was just lovely. (And I don't care how heavy handed it was: 'This planet is to be shared' is a great message.)
- The Doctor's 'Tell me you didn't do this!' when they brought in Aleya's body once more confirmed Eleven's role as the grandfather of the universe. Not surprised, just so, so disappointed... ('Nobody human has anything to say to me today!') 'Not again', his face said, and 'Why do you keep doing this...' (And this just after he'd been so deliriously happy that he'd got them to sit down and negotiate. Poor Doctor.)
- Rory. Oh Rory. First of all, it was a good death. He was brave and saved the Doctor's life, and the whole thing was just utterly heartbreaking. And even if we never see him again, that is something. Of course I hope we do see him. As everyone has remarked, that little red box was very prominent (
the second macro in this post!), and I hope and wish that the finale will have something to do with the Doctor trying to get Rory back (which, combined with parts-of-the-universe-that-should-never-have-touched, and TARDIS going boom (??? NO!!!!!), and the Moff's MAGIC writing will mean that the very end will be Amy and Rory's wedding. (THIS WILL HAPPEN, YOU HEAR ME?) Also, if you're going to kill off A Big Major Character, then you save it for the end, as it were, for that extra gut-punch. (See Doomsday and Journey's End) So the fact that he died now, and in such a low-key, 'let's-move-on' way, indicates (to me) that he'll be back. (Of course it was the Doctor's fault that Rory died, what with wanting to get a piece of debris. Which makes it all so much sadder. He liked him. A lot. *sniff*. And also helps my theory of the Doctor tearing down the walls between dimensions to get him back...)
And that's all, I think. Life is sadly very busy...