Happy Belated Birthday
annegables!!! So sorry I missed it, hope your day was great!
(The Doctor died, you see. I got a bit distracted.)
Speaking of death, then the iMac decided to commit suicide this morning. *grumbles* Darcy said that it looks fixable, but that the underlying problems are probably even worse than expected... *worries* It's not that I'm computerless, really, since we've got two laptops (one ancient and slooooow, and one new and SHINY - the latter is Darcy's though, and the two are inseparable), and the PC (which is old, but OK, except for the fact that it's a PC and every time I use it I come away loving Macs with all of my heart). Anyway, ALL MY STUFF is on the iMac, although - thankfully - I've been good about backing stuff up. Still, I am annoyed now, and worried about my lovely, gorgeous Mac, which I *adore* even though it's getting a bit peculiar.
What else? (Since apparently I'm rambling away...) Oh yes, the girls watched the EoT (part 2) Confidential this morning, and warmed a bit to Matt Smith since he's in it a little. It has to be said that he appears to be incredibly nice and charming in RL. :)
Finally, I shall jump on the meme bandwagon (even though I've still got comments to reply to and fic to finepolish - thank goodness for gmail!):
Ask me one fandom-related question in the comments. This can be fandom specific, general, or about fandom/lj stuff/fic writing/etc. in general. Favorite character, favorite moment, unpopular opinion, something about a fic of mine... whatever. Wackiness encouraged.
Oh, and did I mention that EVERYONE HAS GONE BACK TO SCHOOL AND THE HOUSE IS ALL MINE? *listens to the sound of silence*