So, BBC America viewers, welcome to Torchweek (or the Torchpocalypse, as it is also known. *g*)

Jul 20, 2009 12:50

I am here, obviously, to tell you to watch ‘Children of Earth’.

Now part of me wants to just wave my arms and go “It’s AWESOME!” and witter on about the writing and directing and cinematography and acting (did you know JB can do subtle? Well he can. And how). Shiny show is SHINY!

Another part of me wants to talk about how this is pretty much a new show - how this is finally ‘Adult Doctor Who’. To quote kraken_wakes: The difference between DW and CoE is that in the former, it is the characters (most commonly, but not exclusively the Doctor) who are challenged on the issue of morality and ethics. In the latter, it is the audience. It's show not tell.

A third part wants to talk about the fabulousness of Jack/Ianto and Gwen/Rhys and the tiny little bits of crack they did leave in. *hearts*

But fourthly, because I *know* you, flist, my final attempt at getting you to watch this (even if it’s not your cup of tea) is... the women. This story is crammed full of real, fully realised and 3-dimensional women, all integral to the plot, all important in their own right. RTD could create a series 4 of Torchwood entirely from the women in CoE, if he wanted. (Bechdel Test? It *flies* through. Also, because this is the BBC, they look like actual, normal women, not toned actresses.)

In conclusion, this thing is awesome. And DARK. Really, really really dark. Harrowing even. But awesome. Watch it. (If you want to come yell at me once it’s finished, that’s fine. I can perfectly understand those who hated it.)

ETA: Spoilers in comments.

torchwood, piiimp!, children of earth

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