You know what's the best thing to have when everything's really slippery? A pushchair [=stroller]! (With a child in, of course). *had lots of fun taking kids to school*
And after that little bit of silliness her comes the next chapter of My Immortal - I know, it's only been 2 weeks! Try not to faint. ;) Previous parts
here, and many smooches to my
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That makes me very, very, very happy! :)
When I read your story I mentally call him Jack. I just can't think of him as "Immortal".
I have the same problem actually, and am (of course) referring to him as 'Jack' when we're in his POV. I guess the way the name jars is (as I said) symptomatic of the fact that the whole set-up is fake. This, of course, is something that's just a variation on his role at Torchwood (during S1) - nobody knows who he is:
(Jack leaves the room. As soon as Jack’s out of hearing range, they turn their attention to Gwen.)
OWEN: So what's he told you?
GWEN: What about?
TOSHIKO: Himself!
GWEN: You've been here longer than I have.
TOSHIKO: We were banking on you!
OWEN: You're a copper, trained to ask questions.
GWEN: You don't know anything?
OWEN: Not who he is, not where he's from. Nothing, except him being gay.
GWEN: No, he's not. Really, do you think?
TOSHIKO: No. Owen does. I don't.
IANTO: And I don't care.
OWEN: Period military is not the dress code of a straight man.
GWEN: I think it suits him. Sort of classic.
TOSHIKO: Exactly! I've watched him in action. He'll shag anything if it's gorgeous enough.
GWEN: We know he's from America, right?
OWEN: We don't even know that for sure.
TOSHIKO: No US citizen by the name of Jack Harkness born in the last fifty years.
GWEN: Maybe his identity's classified.
IANTO: Used to be something big in the CIA. That's what I reckon.
GWEN: He must have his reasons for wanting to keep things secret.
OWEN: Sure he has. Doesn't stop me wanting to know what they are.
See? *g*
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