Good stuff!

Dec 01, 2008 14:28

Sorry that I'm not around much - *am* reading my flist, as this list of recs hopefully demonstrates (it's only a fraction of the loveliness out there, but these were what struck me):

12daysspillyria, which is 4 years old now (HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?). Anyway, this is a fabulous, fabulous [Christmas] fic (and not Spike/Illyria as such, despite the title) written by bogwitch, calove and hesadevil. Go read, you know you want to! :)

Scarlet and Midnight by penny_lane_42 is completely different - a lyrical and haunting Spike/Buffy piece, AU post-'Becoming'. (The world is remade in shades of scarlet and midnight, and all that's left is each other.)

For those in need of a good laugh, I can recommend Vampires and the Women Who Love Them by st_salieri: What would happen if Buffy Summers, Bella Swan and Sookie Stackhouse sat down for a little chat with an inquisitive talk show host? (Did I mention how much I ADORE Buffy?)

Then a couple of vids, both by obsessive24:

Cuckoo is a fascinating and excellent study of Angel and Lindsey - gorgeously made and with a ton of meta too. As rich as expensive wine.

OMG! (Or: Fun With Companions) is a truly brilliant vid about the Doctor's companions. *SO* much fun and the Jack bits made me flail way, way too much. (You'll see! *g*)


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