I was thinking about ‘Chosen’ a while ago, and about Buffy’s smile and her friends’ banter at the end and how sharply it contrasted with everyone’s grief at the end of ‘The Gift’. Did this mean that no-one cared about Spike, Anya and all the dead Potentials? Personally I never thought so, but I began to wonder about the differences between Glory’s
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I think you’re so right about this. And the more you think about Chosen and The Gift the more differences there are. For one thing the Gift ends with everybody seeing Buffy’s broken body for the first time. The grief is a very visceral response and heightened by the fact that at this point none of them know that she died willingly, understanding that this was the work she had to do. Except for Dawn who’s too involved and too young to comprehend fully. Even so, for Dawn, her grief is relatively subdued.
Another comparison that could be made is with Not Fade Away. In the final scenes only Illyria has actually had to witness Wesley’s death. The others acknowledge her grief but there’s hardly time to do more. And we have Spike making jokes about Gunn’s mortal wounds. Is that obscene?
And she leads out her troops with hope, not ( ... )
Instead I'll just opt for admiring your brain.
I'd say no, then again, we were cracking jokes at my dad's memorial service. We all deal with grief/loss differently and I think the Scoobies used humor as a way to cope and put off dealing with the reality of the situation. I have no doubt they cried buckets of tears later. I mean, if they were real. ;)
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