I've been rather busy these last few days, and now I'm very tired, so I'll just do one more writer, and that's it:
the_royal_anna is not a very prolific writer, but (as you probably all know) she has an incredible way with words and a beautiful understanding of the characters of the Buffy-verse. Add these together and you have wonderful fic!
Her website
Always The Coat has all of her finished stories, and you should really, really go there right now and read everything she's written. She has some funny, silly stories, but it's her wonderful Spuffy fics that I adore. All S7 (except one AtS S5 re-union one) and she manages to capture all the beautiful nuances and frailties that are S7 Spuffy. My favorite is possibly
Still The Night, which is almost more poetry than fic, but I also love
Resolution which is a New Year's story, with Buffy looking back at years gone by and also wondering about the future. Both post-Showtime.
But if you only have time to read one fic, you should definitely choose
Last Step, which is one of the most perfect S7 fics ever. Just read it! It's the sweetest of Spuffy fics, but without being schmoopy. Hmmm, well not too schmoopy.