blowfish-in-a-sports-car was a fun way to start the ep for someone that had never seen the show before. threw me back to Buffy's MotW. (though he was less charming after he started diatribing.)
again, this is the only ep I've ever seen, but I thought the fact that Jack was longing for both Gwen and Ianto was kinda funny too. my take is that Ianto is the one he really wants (and not just because I have heard the squee round the world). he doesn't really seem terribly concerned with Gwen until he knows he can't have her, so I take it as one of *those* things.
LOVED jack's reaction to the rehab conversation. it's sort of reminiscent of the way Spike can sometimes yank Angel back into old mindsets before he remembers he's a Good Boy Now.
blowfish-in-a-sports-car was a fun way to start the ep for someone that had never seen the show before. threw me back to Buffy's MotW. Those were my thoughts too! (Obviously I saw all of S1, but I thought it worked v. neatly as an intro.)
my take is that Ianto is the one he really wants (and not just because I have heard the squee round the world). Bwah! Did you also hear why the stopwatch is so significant?
he doesn't really seem terribly concerned with Gwen until he knows he can't have her, so I take it as one of *those* things. That's a good point. Guess they'll expand on that though.
LOVED jack's reaction to the rehab conversation. it's sort of reminiscent of the way Spike can sometimes yank Angel back into old mindsets before he remembers he's a Good Boy Now. Yes, exactly. *pets the pretty boys*
haha, I'm not sure! maybe some day, but it's not in my immediate future. in fact I don't have cable right now, so I'll probably only be watching the other s2 ep where James appears off the internet.
Also of course when the bomb jumps on Capt John, and Ianto pulls out the watch (saying something like "Always at the ready") it has truly brilliant connotations and caused much squee all around the TW fandom! :)
again, this is the only ep I've ever seen, but I thought the fact that Jack was longing for both Gwen and Ianto was kinda funny too. my take is that Ianto is the one he really wants (and not just because I have heard the squee round the world). he doesn't really seem terribly concerned with Gwen until he knows he can't have her, so I take it as one of *those* things.
LOVED jack's reaction to the rehab conversation. it's sort of reminiscent of the way Spike can sometimes yank Angel back into old mindsets before he remembers he's a Good Boy Now.
Those were my thoughts too! (Obviously I saw all of S1, but I thought it worked v. neatly as an intro.)
my take is that Ianto is the one he really wants (and not just because I have heard the squee round the world).
Bwah! Did you also hear why the stopwatch is so significant?
he doesn't really seem terribly concerned with Gwen until he knows he can't have her, so I take it as one of *those* things.
That's a good point. Guess they'll expand on that though.
LOVED jack's reaction to the rehab conversation. it's sort of reminiscent of the way Spike can sometimes yank Angel back into old mindsets before he remembers he's a Good Boy Now.
Yes, exactly. *pets the pretty boys*
noop. I'm TW fresh meat :)
I don't mind spoilers. gimme! :)
God bless youtube! Here it is! (S1 is pretty bad, but just sometimes it's too awesome for words!)
Also of course when the bomb jumps on Capt John, and Ianto pulls out the watch (saying something like "Always at the ready") it has truly brilliant connotations and caused much squee all around the TW fandom! :)
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