
Nov 21, 2007 13:20

First of all Happy Birthday ladymela99! I'm sending lots of prayers your way! *hugs*

Second I saw a meme on debris4spike's LJ, and couldn't help doing it...

Made by tamakin:

"It's quite simple, rank the blokes below in order of loveness, with 1 being most hearted and 20 being most hated. It was originally meant to be based purely on looks, but I found myself basing it on characterness too.... so ye can do it either way. "

Here's the list, in random order:

1. Spike
2. Angel
3. Xander
4. Oz
5. Giles
6. Principal Wood
7. Andrew
8. Jonathan
9. Warren
10. Wesley
11. Gunn
12. Lindsey
13. Riley
14. Doyle
15. Parker
16. Hamilton
17. Caleb
18. Holden/Knox
19. Ben
20. Connor

Hmmm. I don't like listing people, but as I looked at the list, I couldn't help myself...

1. Spike & Angel (Sorry, I just love them both. Can't decide between them.)
2. Wesley (for a million reasons, and because he is *hot*!)
3. Connor (*sends hugs*)
4. Gunn (He's... well he's Gunn. Y'know?)
5. Doyle (I'm re-watching AtS S1 and omg Doyle! Not that good-looking, but the character is just *wonderful*!)
6. Lindsey (Mmmmmm... The devil you know!)
7. Giles (Um, rather obvious I think...)
8. Xander (I always liked Xander. Never thought him remotely sexy though.)
9. Andrew (*pets him*)
10. Oz (Oz is just in a class all of his own. I don't think he 'does' lists at all...)
11. Jonathan (Poor little Jonathan.)
12. Riley (I never liked or disliked him especially. He's just a little bland, and his looks do nothing for me.)
13. Principal Wood (Nicely messed up, and handsome too! *g*)
14. Hamilton (Gotta respect that suit!)
15. Ben (Good intentions, failed when put to the test.)
16. Holden/Knox (Fun/freakishly obsessive.)
17. Parker (Poophead.)
18. Warren (Chillingly nasty.)
19. Caleb (Where Warren was headed.)

Oh and Little Miss M was chosen as Mary for the Christmas play! *wins at life*

ETA: woman_of_ has a poll - go vote for *your* sexiest man! :)

meme, birthday

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