I love this episode. Love, love, love, love, LOVE it! It's pretty darn near perfection in TV terms and makes me almost cry because we didn't get a Season 6 and we'll never ever see them all on screen again and nothing else will ever come close! *deeeep sigh*
A few thoughts before I rec lots of insightful essays. Firstly - just to get it out of the way:
ANGEL: I just want you to be careful, Fred, because I know how charming Spike can be.
Really? You do? Well ain't that interesting... *g*
Anyway, that's just an aside.
ANGEL: I know Spike better than anyone, and he only cares about himself.
Oh but you don't. Not at all. Not anymore. And also you're lying through your teeth, because you know that Spike has *always* cared about someone - starting with Dru... Of course Spike goes on to show that he cares about a little science girl he only met a month ago more than his only near-chance of becoming 'real' again. Anyway, that whole bit is Angel projecting something fierce of course:
ANGEL: "Some people can't be saved."
Just like Buffy, Angel always makes everything about himself...
But - what I love (more than the other stuff if that's possible) is of course the scene in Angel's apartment. Because although Angel apparently can't stand Spike, he still reaches out when Spike comes to him. OK, so he's only got despair to offer, but it's shared despair... ("I hate you!"/"And I'm all you've got!") Despair and a compliment. *loves Angel*
But you all knew that. This is what you should be reading (as in go right now!):
Essay on AtS 5x04the_royal_anna:
Essay: What Price Your Soul?monanotlisa:
My 2€ cents on ANGEL SEASON FIVE so far-- a response to the_royal_anna's fabulous analysis.