Finally watched 'the Impossible Planet' last night.
Darcy's comments were pretty limited. When we saw the seal the 'trap door' he said: "It's the Hellmouth!" (because it *totally* was!) Also he scoffed at the 'She was 20 years old!'. (He gets like that with expendable extras) His final remark: "Well that was the most poorly written episode of Doctor Who ever!"
So he wasn't exactly impressed.
Now me... well I kinda liked it. The writing wasn't fabulous it's true, and there were far too many moments of Rose just grinning happily because the Doctor looked at her. But apart from that...
- I liked The Ood (sp?). They were suitable bizarre and the little translator ball thingys were such a lovely touch!
- I liked Evil!Possessed!Toby. He actually looked seriously freaky - I like it when the scary stuff is actually unsettling.
- I liked the Doctor a lot more than I have the last few weeks. No shouting for a start. :)
- Lastly (there were other points but I'm trying to be quick) I absolutely adored the look of the whole thing. It was just so beautiful.
And that is all for now! ::runs off again::