Buffy bits 'n pieces from magazines

Dec 19, 2004 16:15

I'm tired of tidying up the same things for the 100th time, so I thought I'd post these tidbits from a couple of magazines that I've meant to share for ages, but I was concentrating on finishing 'The Summer After' (It's all done! Go read and give me feedback, because otherwise I'll wilt away... please?), so this was more or less forgotten.

Anyway, my brother-in-law bought me the Buffy Magazine some weeks ago (it makes me happy and my husband annoyed, so a double win from b-i-l’s POV!), and I just felt like sharing a few things from that issue (what plans did Joss have for Tara in s7?) and SFX (which I bought myself - but then with a headline like 'How Buffy changed everything' how could I resist?)

First from SFX (Dec 2004, issue #124):

A Joss Whedon quote:

“I designed Buffy to be an icon, to be an emotional experience, to be loved in a way that other shows can’t be loved,” explained Joss Whedon back in 2001. "I wanted her to be a cultural phenomenon. I wanted there to be dolls: Barbie with kung-fu grip. I wanted people to internalise it, and make up fantasies where they were in the story, to take it home with them, for it to exist beyond the tv-show. And we’ve done exactly that.”

Did someone say fanfiction?

Ever wanted to study BtVS in more depth? Well you can here:

The following questions are from the final exam for Middle Tennessee University’s Buffy module. Answer any two questions. Put up you hand if you need more paper.

1. Buffy creator Joss Whedon has spoken of “a religion in narrative” but claims to be an “angry atheist”. Why has BtVS promoted so much interest among the religious?

2. According to Whedon, Buffy always strove for what he calls “psychological realism”. How is Buffy The Vampire Slayer psychologically realistic?

3. I have noted on several occasions moments in BtVS that are quintessentially ”Buffy”. Offer your own definition of the Buffy “signature”.

4. Identify at least three genres BtVS hybridises and show how they manifest themselves in the series.

5. Pick a BtVS writer (see episode guide distributed in class) and offer a brief overview of his/her contribution to the Buffyverse.

6. Argue that “xxxx” is the finest BtVS episode and demonstrate why.

7. Argue that “xxxx” is the worst BtVS episode and demonstrate why.

8. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is both self-referential and intertextual. In an essay demonstrate how.

Wow! Well there are some essay-ideas if anyone is feeling bored...

Just one thing from The Buffy magazine (Dec 2004, issue #67):

AU S7:

Joss Whedon shocked fans at the San Diego Comic Con by revealing that he did have plans to resurrect Tara in Season Seven - and not as The First! As reported by the Mediasharx.com website, Joss explained that, “In one of the final episodes, the third to last episode, Buffy was going to basically get a ‘get out of jail free’ card - one completely reality-altering thing that she could have. She could bring Angel back to her, she could do anything she wanted.” He continued, “At the end of the episode she comes to Willow and says ‘Look at these shoes I got.’ and Willow’s like, ‘What?’ ‘I got these really awesome shoes. I wanted them, and now I have them!’ and Willow’s like ‘You... used... the wish... for shoes?’ and Buffy says ‘Of course not, you idiot,’ and walks out of the room, and Willow turns around and Tara’s standing behind her.”

Meep! The only upside I can think of, is that if this had happened, we wouldn’t have had ‘Touched’, and honestly - I’d rather have Spuffy than W/T. But that doesn’t mean that this can’t be endlessly used in fanfic! A nearly-canon way of bringing Tara back!

Also many thanks to fer1213 who bought me 2 more months of icon-space (Squee!) and lillianmorgan who sent me a Christmas card and a lovely mixed cd entitled 'Music To Watch Spuffy To' (more Squee!). Lots of hugs and smooches for both of you!

buffy has taken over my brain

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