Lockdown Update Day 287

Dec 29, 2020 19:12

Here, have a bunch of random stuff.

Six NASA Astronauts Describe the Moment in Space When “Everything Changed”
“This is what heaven must look like.”


I might have recommended this before, but if you want to play a game online w/family or friends (over zoom or similar) this is excellent and very entertaining:



Beautiful wintery photo from the Faroes


The Guardian: A brief history of Brexit - all 2,000 years of it
The historian and novelist charts the ups and downs of Britain’s relationship with Europe


FUNDRAISER: Help make our bathrooms safe for our family


Video: Goodbye Bannerman Road | Elisabeth Sladen Tribute


Space Invaders
Why you should never, ever use two spaces after a period.


BBC: Puberty blockers: Parents' warning as ruling challenged


(ETA: And my LJ stats for 2020 here!) Post has been cloned from dreamwidth.

spanish flu 2020 remix edition

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