Update from The House of Plague, Day 83

Jun 07, 2020 20:36

Well, this evening was nice. Had a zoom call with assorted family, which was very silly and enjoyable. <3


And, to hit ALL your emotions (both Doctor Who related and current events related), here is the final Doctor Who lockdown video:

image Click to view

So, I am now totally convinced that Bill was present when this happened in Bristol today. Posting all the videos:

Edward Colston statue pulled down by BLM protesters in Bristol. Colston was a 17th century slave trader who has numerous landmarks named after him in Bristol. #BlackLivesMattters #blmbristol #ukprotests pic.twitter.com/JEwk3qKJx2
- Jack Grey (@_jackgrey) June 7, 2020

“Let’s take it for a walk” pic.twitter.com/Oy6A21zUFi
- uwu colston (@boringdystopian) June 7, 2020

- uwu colston (@boringdystopian) June 7, 2020

BLM pic.twitter.com/IYVJk5qbG7
- uwu colston (@boringdystopian) June 7, 2020

ETA: And look! Good policing:

. @abennett_police is a fantastic police commander for Bristol and he has my full support. He understands the city, the history and the politics and, given the circumstances today, he took the right policing decisions. pic.twitter.com/GGOdyK3BzW
- Darren Jones MP (@darrenpjones) June 7, 2020

Wikipedia is fast:

(Google maps has also been updated, the statue's location is now set to the river.)


Re. marches during a pandemic:

OK, let's address these "why did we lock down if BLM protests are ok" takes.

There are lots of pundits arguing this means public health advice is all relative to ideological sympathies.

That's not it. It's about balance of risks.
- Jeremy BLACK LIVES MATTER Konyndyk (@JeremyKonyndyk) June 4, 2020


And finally:

'Dancing on the George Washington Bridge' quilted artwork by Faith Ringgold, US artist ( x). A fervent civil rights and gender equality activist, Faith Ringgold has produced an inherently political oeuvre.

You can find out more about Faith Ringgold here.

#blmbristol, #ukprotests, spanish flu 2020 remix edition, darkest timeline, art, #blacklivesmattters

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