Alternative title: Why Moffat Who is Poetry
Welcome to the meta café! Although this time it's more The Poetry Café (not that there's ever much difference). What I mean is, this post is like a follow-up to
The Hollow Men and will be formatted in a similar way: I.e. first up is the poem/imagery, which will then be followed by lengthy, complex and in
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Not just me, at least half is Promethia. (It's VERY HANDY sharing a brain with other people...) And your comment is pure delight. <3
Thanks for that link to that Who comm discussion I’d previously missed. Am in violent agreement with this description - POETRY INDEED
Excellent, isn't it? And it really is. I'll miss it insanely.
Whenever I read your meta I realise that I’m a moron because of connections like this to which I lived in obliviousness.
Put, we uncover them as we go along. Some are obvious, because we have been over everything so often, other parts just appear and we go 'OMG HOW DID WE NOT SEE THIS??' When we post we have gathered all the insights together and presented them nicely, rather than 'Oh, here's a bunch of random insights' *g*
(Also, interesting Biblical allusion for a secular writer.)
Oh aye. But then it's hard to get away from religion.
WAILING ABOUT IT. MY BOY. (… The secret fave situation has just descended to flat-out fave situation, I should just accept it…)
I will try to give him his due later, promise.
How could ANYONE?
I can’t even talk about this. I can only -
Amazing, isn't it? I've been flailing over that for a month at least.
Can’t believe you assaulted me with this oblique Donna callback… the disrespect…
Donna would be very proud.
Business as usual then…
One final hurdle.
Don’t tease us!
*curls up* You can't make me!
lmao lmao lmao
It's funny because it's true! :D
Forgive the repetition but -
That line was literally a last minute insight! (One of Promethia's) Isn't it just perfect?
My aesthetic ngl. But not sorry about the well-adjusted Doctor character development either ;D
Oh a Doctor Going to War is never not watchable... But yeah, it'll be nice to have a Doctor that's not dragged down by all that baggage. (Or rather, who has dealt with it.)
Yet again with nothing but the power of her heart!!!!
She saves the Doctor with LOOOOOOVE. (Like Jo in The Daemons <333)
In conclusion, this is the post we didn't deserve but you gave to us anyway 👏
It was imperative that I wrote it, for my own sanity. :)
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