Apr 07, 2007 23:44
yepp so today was alright i guess ...hmm :( yepp well no not really lol ... some how we got on the topic of colin in tight pants and he said he's buddy was and that he had a picture .. so he puts out this lil ablum he has and i bugged to see the whole album.. i didn't think it would be pics of he's younger years .. it was him,his mom ,his dad and his lil bro as a happy family all liveing together it got to him a lil .. but not as much as me i made an idiot out of myself i just started crying.. just made me miss my mom and lil sis and my brother and how me&my lil sister use to be like best friends never leave each others side and that .. and thats what some of his pics were like with his lil bro i was looking at the pics but it was like i wasn't even looking at colin and matt it was like i was day dreaming and i seen me and megan ... and like an idiot started crying and colin like :| wtf im sorry what did i do hugging me and that and he kept asking whats wrong :( couldn't even tell him just made me cry worse .. yepp im an idiot i don't think i ever cryed in from of someone before :S like just out of no were expecially with no words said .. yepp embaressing hmm :( .. but yea i was disappointed in him today :( he had a smoke he was doing so good and ... then all of a sudden he's slipping alot .. and he blames it on me cause i never belave in him from the start kept saying he would fail :( my heart droped ..
lil dose he no .. i tell everyone that he quit and he can do it and that .. but i tell him different cause i wanted him to prove me wrong
and i fugured he'd look at it that way .. but i guess it brought him down .. kills that i did that and heart suck when i saided thinking that i bet he was always told he couldn't do stuff as he was growing up that he wasn't good enough and that .. i never though of that he never said it .. but some reason i can like sense that .. thats in his past .. i donno mabe im just weird.. :( but i litterly feel like a bitch :( and he said to me .. elisha what if i don't quit are you going to be disappoint everytime i have a smoke ., give ppl that give me a smoke dirty looks then he said all the stuff about me not beleaveing in him :( hmm im a horrible girlfriend :( i feel like crawling in a dark palace were no one can hear me and cry :( meh but yea im out :(
I love colin<3
3weeks 3days and easter witch is in a few hours.. 3w4days