You are the Cheshire Cat. You are empathetic and
sarcastic. You're the only one in this insane
asylum that makes any sense.
What American McGee's Alice Character Are You? brought to you by
Quizilla *!~*!~~!*anyway yeah im in halifax!! yay! bored a little lol shoppin was fun ,laugh at myself today was fun ,yeah lol i had to pee and i ran into the wall and i had a nose bleed lol omg it was funny lol
and i was i the dollar store today lol and there was whoopie custhions there ..yeay i wasn't the same with out jessica lol lol JESSICA I MISS YOU lol O you to sheldon !! lol ill be back monday night most of you's will be probly in bed though anyways im out bye<33
Elisha *hearts' Sheldon 3weeks 1 day