Oct 03, 2012 14:58
Wow. Okay, so for around a month, he was down in Baton Rouge for work and all was well. I was online, I was able to write on a computer instead of paper which gave me hand cramps, watched vids and shows I missed when my tivo was wonky. But then he came home Wednesday. And then he didn't leave until today. Well, he left late for work yesterday morning at some point but I had to go to town so I wasn't home when he wasn't home. And of course, I was possibly heading to town to get tires on my vehicle so I didn't actually get online until late morning. *sigh* Cannot get to LiveJournal on my phone, cannot reply to any yahoo email on my phone because it won't send, and I cannot do a whole lot on facebook because of the new lovely piece of poo update on my facebook app for my phone. *sigh*
Kid update...she was not voted Homecoming Queen and he's getting along much better than I would with one good arm! Shoot, I think with some things he does better with one good arm than I do with two! The husband finally came back home after a month away for work. Things are more chaotic now than they were while he was gone. *sigh* Yeah, four more years.
I've done my signing up over on my NaNo lj for NaNoWriMo and our teams! *beams* We're in a new region now...Winchester is its own region instead of a part of the Shenandoah Valley which broke off of VA Elsewhere a few years ago. Yay us!! I've told the family I need to attend the write-ins so this year won't be as awful as the last two years.
Now I must go. Have to zip over to the store. *waves* I might return tonight out in the garage since the weather changed...again. Stupid weather....