Jul 17, 2012 17:41
The heat is just awful this summer isn't it? Blah. I learned a bit of a lesson this morning. Seems I should drink a lot more water and eat something before deciding to mow even if there is a nice breeze and doesn't really seem like it is super hot already. Yeah, got a little dehydrated. I have had lots of water today, AC is on, and I'm staying inside where it is cool for the rest of the day. I was going to cook supper in the oven but decided I would have hot dogs tonight instead. Figure it would help the house stay cool. *shakes head* Yes, I've learned my lesson. And wow I have a heck of a headache now.
The family isn't really keeping me informed about the trip. If y'all are checking out the blog, you find out when I do what they're doing and where they are. The youngest has some sort of bug or spider bites that were swollen and had to go to a clinic or something. Haven't heard a word from them since the daughter told me he was getting checked out. Nice huh? Yeah.
I tell ya, I am so tired of washing and sorting through clothes. I decided while they were gone I'd sort through clothes and all sorts of things. Wow. I have gotten rid of a lot of stuff though so that is a good thing. I've said goodbye to some things I'd been keeping for years and years. Not that it has been an easy thing to do...but necessary and then things will be easier in four years! ;) Yeah, four more years and the youngest is 18! :D
Another thing I've been doing while they've been gone...totally addicted to the ID channel! Between that and my 80s & 90s cassettes, I've been keeping entertained! :) Of course I probably shouldn't watch some shows on the ID channel considering I have a 17 year old daughter that drives. Does not help get rid of the worrying I already have whenever she goes somewhere alone! *sigh* OH!! I was awake in the middle of the night again and saw a post from Kevin Richardson on Facebook mentioning some announcement the fellas were making this morning on GMA! So, before going back to sleep I set 4 alarms. FOUR! Slept through all of them but luckily I left my TV on and could hear it. They played a tiny clip of I Want It That Way and do you know that is what woke me up this morning? Yep, slept through four alarms but that tiny snippet of IWITW woke me up so I did not miss the fellas from London! *beams* The announcement? The fellas will be performing live on GMA on August 31!!! I really wish I had bunches of money because I wanna go to their summer thing they're doing around my birthday. Some weekend of music and NKOTB will be there too. There's a bbq. *sigh* And yet another thing I will miss. I tell ya what though, I will do whatever I can to see them since Kevin has returned. Dammit! :D
Well, I'd better get going. Have to figure out something for supper and get some more stuff done today. Wow, it is sooooo difficult cooking supper for one person especially since I'm used to cooking for three teens and a husband! I've fixed things and I always have leftovers. Lots of leftovers! LOL Y'all have fun and try to stay cool. I have a feeling it is hot all over. *waves*
Peace, Love, and Giggles,