Sep 13, 2008 23:13
Wow, what a damn day we had. Had to be at school by 9 AM to drop the oldest off for a school trip for Tech. Part of the fun trip was tickets to the JMU football game because it was of course at Madison. We were supposed to pick her up at 7. Then we're there and waiting and I turn around to see my Mom pulling in the parking lot. Because ediot didn't pay the cell phone bill yet, we don't have cell phones so she had to call my mother to drive all the way to school to tell us they were still at JMU. Which is about an hour or so from school and it being a trip on a school bus we're going even slower right? Yep. So we're at my mom's house only after I had to drive all the way back home to turn off the coffee pot the boys didn't turn off earlier today before we left. I knew with as little coffee that was left in the pot there'd be no way it'd be enough to be okay for a couple hours. Or so I thought it would be a couple hours. So when she called it put them around 8:30 or so getting home. Well, we stay at my mom's house til about 8:45 cause we hadn't heard anything and the boys and I head back to school. Yeah. So apparently she calls like 5 minutes after we left to say that they were just this side of Harrisonburg. So, another hour still. Since I had no cell phone, my mother tried to catch up to us. She couldn't because there's this new stop light at the end of her road and like three more new ones and they last forever so she pulls into school after we get there. So she tells us about the extra hour more. Now I actually considered going back to her house and then going back up to school but then realized I'd already sucked up a ton of gas which is not cheap. I was fine sitting in the dark in the quiet. My youngest was trying to sleep but my middle one...lordy the middle child HAD to have music and threw about 20 fits or more. So I'd had the music on...ya know how when you turn the vehicle off the radio will stay on however long it stays on? Well, thats what I did. And I do that ALL the time at the bus stop and it has NEVER killed my battery. Until tonight. So when she gets there and I have no battery I kinda sorta freak a bit cause I have no cell phone, I have no jumper cables cause they're in ediot's new truck and I do believe he's got a set in his car too which neither one has had one lick of troubles with their batteries. So thank heavens there was a dad there that had jumper cables and he got my truck running again! He was headed to Gore so he and his son followed us til they had to turn off just in case something happened. Said once we'd gone that far it should be fine after I said we were technically past Gore. So anyway, Thank you Joe and I think I'm going to wait until early morning to email ediot because I'm a little pissed off at him right now for many reasons. Many many many reasons. Yeah.
Whew what a ramble/rant/vent. All done now. Never even mentioned the fact though that I felt horrendous all day and I've got this sinus headache I cannot get rid of to save my soul. *sigh* Okay, y'all have a much better night than I have and I shall talk to y'all sometime tomorrow! *waves*
Peace, Love, and not so many giggles,