Feb 13, 2008 23:58
Yup, the kids were home from school yet again and I totally almost forgot to post today!
Let's see...not much happening. Ice this morning kept them home from school and hubby couldn't make it out of the driveway. No, he made it out of the driveway...just couldn't make it up the road after that. *sigh* It did look pretty though. The snow and then the shiny ice...then the pretty icicles. Very pretty. *whacks forehead* And I forgot to take a picture.
Writing...but mainly just on paper and not here on the laptop in my actual story. I have GOT to get all these stories finished! Still not done with my FNL stuff I was doing for last Friday. Ehh, I'll get em done.
I guess that's it for tonight so that I can get this thing posted! Maybe something exciting will happen that I can post tomorrow!
Peace, Love, and Giggles,