I Am Amazingly Murderous!

Sep 23, 2013 16:00

I have two stories in the about-to-be-published THOROUGHLY MODERN MONSTERS at Story Spring Publishing and, if you give their little guessing game a shot, I'm not even sure how many bodies I have contributed to the great heap of corpses---but I've given Dexter and the Ripper a bit of a run for their money, I think!  Can't wait to read the whole collection, by some of my favorite LJ authors, carefully and lovingly edited by one of our very best, with another set of brilliant eyes taking a second, um, stab at cleaning up the horrifying little worlds created here, and all produced by the ever-brilliant minds behind Story Spring, who have enabled us all to dig deeply into our obviously troubled psyches and bring forward some monstrous visions indeed!

Come and play the quiz, then read the final results...and you tell ME how many deaths we have brought about, much less how many different monstrous creatures we have let loose on an unsuspecting world!

*laughing maniacally in Starbucks as I type this...*
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