I mentioned some good things in my review but I thought I'd do a purely sunshine and light list b/c the negative reaction to the show has some people down. :(
1) Do I need to mention the pull-ups again? Bestill my beating heart.
2) Eko's speech to ghost Yemi. Way to go Eko. Beautifully written last words.
3) Foxy Foxy Foxy, there's an Emmy with your name on it this year. You are just fantastic. You are the shining beacon of hope, my man.
4) Sayid was being all tech-y again. I love it when he gets all technical and is fixing wires and stuff! More please! I miss tech-savvy Sayid.
5) Hurley and Charlie trying to track Eko and admitting they had no idea what they were doing. It's nice to see the Charlie/Hurley comic relief team on the rounds again.
6) I don't think we're supposed to like Paulo so the writers are actually doing that job really well. Kudos, writers!
7) Desmond is still wearing the blue shirt and being all involved in the happenings going on. I loved it when Sayid asked why Desmond was around in the beginning and Desmond got lovingly snarky with him. Desmond/Sayid, anyone?
8) The music they played during Colleen's funeral. The Others have weirdly anachronistic taste in music and I love it!
9) I like the Pearl station bunches. I think it's fantastically creepy.
10) Juliet and Ben? BEST. OTHERS. EVER. I don't know what the heck they're trying to do with Jack and I'm loving every second of it!
Fic question: What is a movie you guys think Sawyer would love? What about Jack? (nothing new though, i'm trying to find something that would be played on tv...) Help please!